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Think About it -- Perspectives From New York City

I don’t know how anyone could be unmoved by visiting the 9/11 memorial.

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“…The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7).

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Not of Anger

We never respond out of anger at any guilty party.

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Think About it -- Lost in the Verbiage

To overly define the way a violence victim died, is to disregard many victims and the primary risks associated with violence.

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Think About it -- EXPERIENCE IS...

An old joke says, “Experience is that thing that helps you recognize a mistake when you make it again.” That seems to be the case when considering armed defenders. Many resist it out of a fear that an armed defender, who is not “credentialed” (meaning, by most, law-enforcement certified or otherwise licensed for protection), would accidently hurt innocents in a protec...

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Irresponsible Defenders

Last week I asked a question to readers, “Can any one of you name a time when an armed uncredentialed defender, acting in official capacity of an American church, school or any other business, accidently hurt innocent people while trying to protect others during an attack? That article was posted on and forwarded from social media sites, the FBSN website and a secure forum. It was read...

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The Deadly Triangle

Trauma can be disturbing enough to cause one to remember life before, compared to life after — “it”. A deadly force incident in a church is painful enough to do that. We don’t expect to see blood, hear gunshots, smell smoke or feel the concussion of explosion in a house of worship. Our church is our sanctuary. When evil invades it, that day marks the separation o...

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This week's TAI is submitted by Shanna Kohr, our oldest daughter. She expressed honor for the best man I've ever known (my own Dad -- Jack Chinn) on this Father's Day. The FBSN has a very simple tagline, Ready-Willing-Able, summarizing our threefold mission. My Grandpa served in WWII. His ship, the USS Princeton, was bombed and sunk in the battle of Leyte Gulf on October ...

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