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Think About It -- Coming Moral Battles

I want to pound the table with my fist and walk out of the talks in disgust.

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Normalcy Bias

I spoke with a man this week who is in the Cyber Security and the IT field. A few days ago, he took a walk on the other side of security. Hearing his dogs move around in the dark of the night, he realized he needed to get up and let them out. But he was so sleepy he laid still, hoping his wife would hear them and get up first. He found out later she had heard them too and was doing the same ...

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I Did That For You

They hit so fast there were no skid marks from either vehicle.

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It is mind-boggling the amount of preparation young moms go through before they leave the house to head out with their kids in tow.

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“…The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7).

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Think About it -- Unpacking the Haymarket, VA Incident

I rarely write about a recent incident because the available news is designed to catch readers with emotion-grabbing snippets that may not be true. And often even when I do have inside information, releasing it would not be appropriate. I have no inside information on what happened recently at the Park Valley Church (PVC) in Haymarket, VA. All information in this writing is only from what i...

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Think About it -- Becoming Thermostats in a Thermometer World

It's not just about measuring the temperature; it's about actively controlling it for the well-being of the entire community.

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Think About it -- A Wake up Call on Your Cell Phone

From the day the serpent asked Eve, “Did God really say?” till now, communication has been used to disrupt, deceive and destroy.

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Irresponsible Defenders

Last week I asked a question to readers, “Can any one of you name a time when an armed uncredentialed defender, acting in official capacity of an American church, school or any other business, accidently hurt innocent people while trying to protect others during an attack? That article was posted on and forwarded from social media sites, the FBSN website and a secure forum. It was read...

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