Last week I asked a question to readers, “Can any one of you name a time when an armed uncredentialed defender, acting in official capacity of an American church, school or any other business, accidently hurt innocent people while trying to protect others during an attack?
That article was posted on and forwarded from social media sites, the FBSN website and a secure forum. It was read by hundreds (if not thousands) of viewers.
Nobody listed a single example.
The work that has gone into the Deadly Force Incident study ( includes 2,183 documented incidents of deadly force violence associated with faith-based organizations in the United States in the 21 full years between (and including) 1999 and 2019. Thousands of hours of research and fact checking went into that study.
Never in all that study has any volunteer protector hurt unintended victims while confronting an attacker.
But to focus where focus is due, there have been intolerable acts of carelessness or neglect that put victims in harm’s way and even twice when someone was killed by the recklessness of an armed defender.
Not one of those senseless acts occurred during an armed defensive response to an attacker. In each one, the offender was (or should have been) charged with reckless endangerment.
Since 1999, we have seen 11 cases of negligence involving a firearm in a faith-based organization. Here is the breakdown of those senseless acts associated with faith-based organizations.
Two people died in those 11 senseless acts. Both deaths were caused by licensed, credentialed operators (one licensed by the state of Florida and one a reserve deputy serving on the church security team). One of those deaths was allegedly caused in anger and one a tragic accident.
During this same time period, 734 innocent victims were killed by bad actors.
Think About it
While no innocent victims have been hurt during a defensive action, we must promote responsible defenders. We don’t want to see any senseless acts by security operators, but it has happened.
If you are not actively and regularly training, you have no idea if your team members are responsible defenders.