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Think About it -- Election Examination

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another … Do not be conceited."

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Think About it -- Caleb, Age and Determination

I know many of you may feel slightly beyond your prime. Stay wholehearted and determined!

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Hard Times and Changing Seasons

Seasons come and go in our lives. Droughts do end and times of bounty will return. 

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Think About it -- Great Quotes

Self-discipline is the yoke of free men

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Think About it ... Can't Can't do Anything

Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”

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Think About it -- What's Your Hurry?

Where might you be sacrificing power for speed? Sometimes this hunger for haste carries hidden costs.


Promoting Evil Intentions

State after state is becoming as liberal as they can force their populations to go, just a little nudge, year after year, until they get the state where they want it. These battles play out in the schools, parental rights (or restrictions thereof), abortion, gun rights and other issues that define (and split) our culture. Many of us are impacted by the firearms debate. One cannot get into th...

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Think About it -- Tragedy Changes our Trajectory

Head winds produce either resistance or lift, depending on your perspective and how you’re built. 

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The National Christian Protectors Conference

The FBSN wholeheartedly recommends the National Christian Protectors Conference for all serious and responsible defenders protecting those they love.

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