Normalcy Bias

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I spoke with a man this week who is in the Cyber Security and the IT field. A few days ago, he took a walk on the other side of security.

Hearing his dogs move around in the dark of the night, he realized he needed to get up and let them out. But he was so sleepy he laid still, hoping his wife would hear them and get up first. He found out later she had heard them too and was doing the same thing.

After 5 minutes or so however, he got up and drug himself to the bedroom door where he turned around to see where the old (not guard-type) dogs were. They weren’t at the foot of his bed where they sleep. That’s when he realized their bedroom door was already open.

That was different.

He sleepily walked down the upper level bedroom hallways and noticed his son’s bedroom door was open. The son had been gone from home for some time. He shut the door, but noticed an awful smell when he did.

That was different.

He found the dogs in a third room upstairs and talked to them as he prepared to take them down and out. He started down the dark stairway and wandered how the dog(s) got ahead of him as he could hear him in front. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, both dogs then joined him from behind him on the stairs.

He thought his ears had been playing tricks on him.

He sleepily walked to the back door and opened it for the dogs to run out. That’s when one of them decided to do the dog thing and barked. Expecting to see an animal on his back porch he leaned out to see a man running off his porch.

He yelled, the man yelled back and ran away, the wife came awake, the day changed.

Camera footage showed the intruder enter the door. Minutes later the intruder exited the same door. Seconds later, the same door opened, and the dogs exited.


Think About it

My friend missed many clues. Why?

It’s a thing called, “Normalcy Bias.”

Most people walk through their house at night, their church in service or their life in general not believing anyone would be there to cause harm.

Most of the time, they’re right.


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