Years ago, I had a conversation with a Muslim friend who didn’t like news media using the term, “Islamic-Extremists.” He asked me how I felt about the term, “Christian-Extremists.” I didn’t have a problem with either label if the shoe fit.
Labels widen the differences between people from different sides of a demographic, especially when joined with another descriptor.
To title a news article, “Women don’t like Senator Smith” just indicates an important segment of society isn’t impressed with the politician. The same article titled “White-Women don’t like Senator Smith” invokes a different set of emotions. It really says, “Whites are the problem.”
A new hyphenated label is being thrown around. The DHS and other federal agencies are claiming, “Christian-Nationalists” as the biggest threat to American security.
I thought back to my conversation with Arshad. The pendulum has swung. Christians are now blamed.
Like many, I want to pound the table with my fist and walk out of the talks in disgust. I am tired of immorality being force-fed to us as a nation – even through our schools and churches.
Think About It
I want to, but to what spirit am I yielding? To what spirit does an extremist with any value system yield? God is unhappy with immorality and I’m not saying we become pacifists letting moral rot continue unchecked.
But I recognize the tricks of an enemy to draw us into ineffective battles. Our enemy is very real, extremely cunning and intent on destruction of everything moral. To allow ourselves to get drawn into unproductive water-fountain tantrums, weakens us and plays into the plans of the enemy by drawing us out of effectiveness.
I am called to protect, as are you who read this each week. We will increasingly deal with the moral invasion. They will loudly proclaim, with the backing of federal agencies, that you are the problem.
Stay strong, grounded and unshakeable. Don’t get drawn into debates. Don’t get offended. Stay objective and effective. This is a long war between good & evil. Stand for right; don’t screech for right.
When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. [i]
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.[ii]