Our oldest daughter was driving into her job one day years ago. Driving and singing, she decided to move her seat all the way back and re-tighten her seatbelt.
Within a mile after that, she crested a hill at full speed just to see an oncoming car in her lane. They hit so fast there were no skid marks from either vehicle.
I got the call she was in the hospital having been in a head-on collision. I was relieved to see her sitting up talking with my wife when I got there. She was only bruised, cut and shaken. The other driver’s airbags saved his life.
Later I saw our daughter’s totaled car. The engine had come though the floorboard and was up against the bottom of the dash. It was a mess. One would think the driver could not have escaped serious injury or death, but she was fine. God had protected her.
Years later I was a guest at a small early morning bible study. There were about 4 other businessmen around the small table as we had coffee and got to know each other. One of the men cracked a joke about one of the others living in a barn.
I asked him if he by chance lived in a house built like a barn alongside that black-top county road. He said he did. I told him our daughter had survived a serious head-on collision right in front of his home years before.
The men broke into jubilation, saying, “You need to tell him (meaning me) about that day!”
He told how that sharp crest in the road in front of his home had worried him. That day, he walked over to the road and prayed over it for motorist’s protection. He had just got back inside his house when he heard the crash.
He and his wife were the first to my daughter, covered her with a blanket and comforted her until the ambulance got there.
Think About That.
In a county of over 500,000 people, I had sat down at a table with 4 men, one of whom had prayed for my daughter’s safety one day when she most needed it. I was able to meet him and hear the story of a stranger’s prayer protecting our family.
It was a moment God said, “I did that for you.”
He does things like that.