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An Old West Lesson

There is simply no factual argument that some of your protection team should not be properly trained and equipped (armed) to stop violence acts. 

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Think About it -- The Lion Still Hunts

There is a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. He’s outside your window and in your pews. 

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Think About it -- Guns are the Problem!

It’s not about guns. It’s about protection ignorance.

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Ministry Security Done Well

Recently, parishioners of a Church in Chesterfield, MO were hit with a disturbing announcement in their Sunday bulletin. Someone knew enough about church operations to know who printed their Sunday bulletins and slipped in an article attempting to form a security team for the church. Allegedly, the actual wording of the ad was, We are calling all young men back to the church to form ...

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Think About it -- Remembering Ron Allen

God will never call us to a work that we can fulfill in our own strength.

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Think About it -- Learning Together

Any worthy endeavor doesn’t just happen. It takes intentional effort and it takes learning.

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Think About it -- the "Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act"

The role of the private citizen is only forfeited by that person’s choices to not vote and / or not contact their appropriate representatives when they should.

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Think About it -- Lessons From the Farm # 2 -- Father's Day Gratitude

As I left our farm Friday, wheat harvest was in full swing. It will be finished when I return from Philadelphia on Father’s Day. I can’t think of wheat without thinking of Grandpa. In conversations with my brothers recently, it became obvious we should all preserve our perspectives about him. No better time than Father’s Day. Grandpa was born in 1897. My great grandmothe...

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Think About it -- Notes of Wisdom From Others

This last weekend, the FBSN hosted 15 speakers to address a group of church security operators and faith leaders in Fairfield, CT. We spoke in 19 sessions to attendees from all over the New England States. Many expressed gratitude for hearing information from others on why and how to do things well. I want to share a small portion of that information shared with the good people of region 1 ...

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Not of Anger

We never respond out of anger at any guilty party.

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