This last weekend, the FBSN hosted 15 speakers to address a group of church security operators and faith leaders in Fairfield, CT. We spoke in 19 sessions to attendees from all over the New England States.
Many expressed gratitude for hearing information from others on why and how to do things well. I want to share a small portion of that information shared with the good people of region 1 of the U.S.
Anthony Campbell (Yale University Police Chief) started things off. It was good to see an Ivy League College, Law-Enforcement administrator who really gets it when it comes to faith based security. One thing that qualifies Chief Campbell is that he is also an ordained pastor.
From Chief Campbell;
Have a segment of your team, or at least of your training, focused on the mentally ill. Faith-spaces are a magnet for the hurting. Be ready for them.
Establish tip-lines. Often, others knew something was about to happen. If they know a place to leave anonymous information, they would do it.
Security must be a 24/7 thought process for you. Not obsessive, but more than a hobby or extracurricular activity.
He spoke of the value of having females on the team, not only for female actors but for males who may bow up when confronted with another male.
KURT OWEN (FBSN Board, Vice Chair and founder of Kurt Owen Ministries and Griffin Defense Solutions) always brings new comments specific to that place and time.
It doesn’t matter if you sign – up if you don’t show-up. Kurt spoke extensively of the concepts around Jehoiada and his security mindset out of I Kings, 12 & 13 as well as 2 Chronicles 23 & 24.
Then from I Samuel 26:15-16, Kurt brought out how nobody thinks like you do, nor should you expect them to. You walk through that with honor. There is none like you.
Think About it
There is no way to capture all the great points shared by 15 great speakers in 400 words or less (as TAI articles are).
There is nothing like being at an event to establish connections and learn enduring values in this great endeavor. We look so forward to returning to the New England states and meeting those folks where they are.
Plan to attend the Security Operations Summit in Denver! Here is the link to that primary annual security event: