One thing we know about the human experience is that we function better together. Paul advised us in “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…” [i]
In another passage, we are reminded that, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” [ii]
With such instruction in mind, congregations, marriages, businesses and other worthy endeavors succeed.
A great marriage doesn’t just happen. It takes intentional effort. It also takes intentional learning. From pastors, counselors, scriptures, like-minded peers and other intentional pursuits.
It is the same with a congregation or a business. They don’t succeed in a vacuum. Those that pursue intentional learning have improved chances at success (or simply surviving).
Faith-based security is a significant endeavor growing in the 21st century.
Renowned military Psychologist and Author, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (ret.) says about 3% of our society has the DNA of an active dedicated protector; those who run into a threat as others flee or hide from it.
These are the ones you see in your church who have signed up to serve with your safety ministry (or whatever you call it in your church).
Like any of the other endeavors mentioned and unmentioned, the folks who work to keep others safe at faith-based organizations are better together. That is exactly why the Faith Based Security Network (FBSN) was established; to be a place of like-minded responsible defenders having their own unique professional membership association.
It is also why we conduct the annual summit event for faith-based defenders (more info on that next week).
Think About It
If you are a member of the FBSN and know others who should be, forward the link to this message ( to them.
If you are not a member of the FBSN, we invite you into our membership. We need as many involved as we can to improve our status of being ready, willing and able to defend our congregations across the United States.
To learn more about the FBSN, investigate our website at There, you will find information on how to become a member. While on our website, take a cruise through the history of weekly “Think About It” articles (found at like this one, to gain a feel for the philosophies that guide us.