Covid affected America in many ways. One was how it shut down events. As Covid slowly relaxes its grip, events are coming back.
Pre-Covid one of the airline companies had a byline that said, “You are now free to move about the country.” That byline connected with something in all of us who enjoy the basic freedom of movement.
I am so happy to start moving about the country again.
I just spoke at an event in Southaven, MS (suburb of Memphis, TN). It was good to be back with other speakers in this space; Stephen Willeford (who stopped the Sutherland Springs, TX killer), Simon Osamoh (of the Worship Security Academy in Minnesota), Eric Williams (COO of Brown Missionary Baptist Church) and others.
In two weeks (May 31 and June 1) I will be back in the New England states speaking at Black Rock Church in Fairfield, CT. That event is for those of you in FEMA Regions 1 and 2 (From New York / New Jersey up to Maine). Joining me there will be John Riley (A Gentle Response), Kurt Owen (Fight to Win and Kurt Owen Ministries), Dan Bulkley (Safe & Secure Training of Connecticut) and others. The link for that event is:
2 Weeks after that (June 14th & 15th) I will be in Pennsylvania at Calvary Chapel Philadelphia. Kurt Owen will join me there too, as will Ed Monk (national expert on active shooter statistics and co-owner of Last Resort Firearms Training) and others. That event is for those of you in FEMA Regions 2 (New York / New Jersey) and 3 (Maryland and any state that shares a border with Maryland). The link for that event is:
The next weekend (June 22nd) I will be in Nicholasville, KY at the Clays Mill Baptist Church. We will be honored there to have several local area retired law-enforcement officers helping me bring the message of intentional security done well at churches. The link for that event is:
Then of course comes the big summit event in Denver. The link to SOS.24 is
Think About it
Attending a church security focused event is one of the best ways to gain fresh insights and inspiration and meet new people critical to what you do. We look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones at these upcoming events!