My knees hurt. Both of them. Bad. All the time. I didn’t understand chronic pain before. It has changed my life. Lately it has made me mad. At everything and everyone.
This week I began to think of a story Dad told. I’ve never been able to verify it, so I might have heard portions wrong. Maybe the name of the man he told of wasn’t the one I recall, and maybe he had mistaken the wrong man for the right situation. I will just omit the name of the Navy officer he told of.
Between WWI and WWII this man was Captain of a ship. Though it was peacetime, our leaders knew it was a fragile peace. Something was brewing (Hitler et al). During that peacetime, this Captain got his war vessel stuck on a coral reef. That could be a career ender for a Navy Officer.
The captain had the crew lower him over the side of the ship in a smaller boat with his command team. They navigated around the ship, assessing the situation. Then they were hoisted back on deck.
The captain informed his men he was going to take a nap and when he woke up, would make decisions. He retired into his cabin and slept. When he awoke, the tide had turned and they navigated the ship off the reef.
He became an Admiral in WWII.
Think About it
Whatever issues you are facing, the tide will turn.
FBSN Board member, Pastor Kurt Owen, taught a series on “peace.” Kurt reminded us that Jesus gave us His peace. It’s ours as a gift. We don’t forfeit it for anything. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled...”[i]
The peace of Christ was so solid in Peter, that when he was arrested, he went to sleep. The night before they were going to wake him and start his mock trial (which would end with his death as it just had for his brother James), Peter was so sound asleep (chained between 2 guards with others posted around) that the angel who came to rescue him, had to strike him on his side to wake him up (Acts 12:7).
My knees might still hurt, but they don’t have cancel rights to my peace.
Neither should your problem.
[i] John 14:27