This week’s TAI is written by FBSN Board Chairman, David Dixon. David has served 37 years in law enforcement, is a 40 year church staff member and started their security program in 1985 that he continues to manage today. I find his article to be spot on.
As a grandparent of eleven with two more on the way, I have watched in amazement as our adult children packed up to leave the house with their kids for a trip or even just for dinner. They plan for every scenario they might face while away from the house: Snacks, drinks, bottles, diapers, changes of clothes, toys, tablets all make their way into a neatly packed backpack ready for the great adventure away from home.
It is mind-boggling the amount of preparation young moms go through before they leave the house to head out with their kids in tow. Intuitively, these moms think ahead to what challenges might come their way and what “mom” tools they might need to solve the problems when they arise. It has been amazing to watch our three daughters and daughter-in-law produce the proper tool at just the right time when one of the kids goes into meltdown mode while away from the house.
Think about it:
Do we approach our duties as law enforcement and church security operators with the same amount of preparation as a mom leaving the house with her kids? Do we have all the tools in our toolbox when we head out to work the streets or to fulfill our duties at church?
Preparation is the key to a successful shift in whatever area we might be working. And preparation goes far beyond just having the right equipment on our belts or in our backpacks.
Have we prepared physically, emotionally, and spiritually for the task the Lord has put in front of us? Does our training portfolio match the task that we are given to take on? Does our prayer life and walk with the Lord get us ready for the spiritual attacks that will come our way? Do our life experiences and emotional strength have us ready to walk in the deep waters we sometimes find ourselves? Are we physically fit enough to handle the role assigned to us?
I believe being a young mom is a high calling, and I have watched with great joy the young moms in our family navigate raising kids. I also believe that law enforcement and church security is a high calling, one that I love accepting. Let’s step back and self-evaluate and make sure we are prepared when we leave the house to tackle this great endeavor of protecting God’s people.