“Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. [i]
The matter of watching is not a priority in our culture until something happens. As soon as something does happen (like the New Orleans and Las Vegas New Year’s attacks) all the news agencies are quick to point out past intelligence warnings. Federal agencies are quick to put out new JIBs (Joint Information Bulletins) warning of copycats.
Watchmen across America however remain ready every week, for anything, not needing some prompt from the NEWS media, federal agency or our website to get them to do it.
Who appointed such men and women to do this?
The idea of posting watchmen is not new. From Genesis on through the Bible are multiple references regarding “watch” or “watchmen.”
In Genesis 2:15 (NIV), we read that, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” The Hebrew word translated to take care of something was, “šāmar.” Among its most likely meanings is one interpretation; “to keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life.”
The theme of watching (and of watchmen) is prominent in Hebrew history and modern military. The U.S. Navy mandates that, “during a ship’s entire commissioned life, it will always have Sailors on watch.”
There are variations in Hebrew history regarding the length and number of watches in a 24-hour period but that which is generally recognized as most relevant to modern time definitions was eight 3-hour watches;
1st Watch: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
2nd Watch: 9:00 PM – Midnight
3rd Watch: Midnight – 3:00 AM
4th Watch: 3:00 AM – 6:00 AM
Those 4 were generally classified as the “night watches.”
5th Watch: 6:00 AM – 9:00 AM
6th Watch: 9:00 AM – High noon
7th Watch: High noon – 3:00 PM
8th Watch: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Think About it
From the time God appointed Adam to watch the garden, to when Jesus asked the disciples to watch & pray (Matthew 26:41) it is an honorable post to be assigned to by God. “…I have made you a watchman for the people…”[ii]
For many, God has assigned them to the post. Others are appointed by their people as a commandment of God (Ezekiel 33:2-6).
Take your watch appointment seriously.