The older I get, the more thankful I am.
I am thankful for my wife, children, and grandchildren; for the lives we all have that continue working together. Every holiday, one of our children and their children are at one of our other children’s homes, or at our farm.
I am thankful for the protection family I have gained through the FBSN, our many affiliates, and from events across the nation. This great endeavor of protecting faith-based organizations has led to this professional membership association of those unique responsible defenders. In what other people group could I write about scriptural values and not have to explain the applicability to security?
But before my wife, children and professional family were my parents and brothers. I have no regrets. I could not have possibly had better parents. My two brothers remain at the top of the list of my best friends. I’ve had many great pastors and advisors through the years. When it comes to the toughest things, I call one of my brothers.
Even before my parents and brothers were grandparents on both sides. There was a deep and real spiritual foundation obvious in both of those homes.
And before my grandparents were other ancestors I am thankful for. We cherish many family stories and documents passed down that that confirm God’s graciousness to our family as well as our dependance on Him.
Think About it
Before anything you or I may or may not know about the journey of faith in our own families, is that Christ died for us.
Before that, God created us with good in mind. The word, “good” appears many times in the very first chapter of Genesis. At the very end of that chapter, he created man and entrusted all those good things to him. Yes, Adam and Eve broke that trust, but God has been active in redemption ever since. Of that I am a recipient.
What more could any of us possibly ask for? To not be thankful would just be rebellious.
Joy and thanksgiving are choices we make. I’ve had seasons where I just didn’t feel it. But I know now how that was rebellious intent at those times.
Life is better for me and those around me when I am thankful. It will be for you too. Your family will be more thankful for you too.