State after state is becoming as liberal as they can force their populations to go, just a little nudge, year after year, until they get the state where they want it. These battles play out in the schools, parental rights (or restrictions thereof), abortion, gun rights and other issues that define (and split) our culture.
Many of us are impacted by the firearms debate. One cannot get into that debate unless they are willing to be called out.
Nonetheless I will delve into the debate a bit to make a larger point.
It angers me that, every time there is a nationally stunning homicide committed with a firearm, a particular political party wants to know (1st thing), “what kind of gun was it?” They search frantically for all the right buzzwords or terms; “A/R, automatic, black rifle, high-capacity, assault” – anything they can put out there to stun the public and move voters to get behind more limiting legislation.
We on the more conservative side of the debate understand fully that it is not what’s in the hands of people but what’s in their heart that get’s people killed. There are three things it takes for a homicide (or any crime for that matter) to transpire; capacity, opportunity and intention.
Those on one side of this debate speak mostly of capacity. If we remove the capacity (and they only focus on firearms), we can fix this.
Those on the other side speak mostly of opportunity. We can remove the opportunity (or by contrast, present the opportunity) for bad actors to do what they do by our level of readiness.
The biggest field for work however is the intention.
Think About it
How do we take away intentions of evil?
Intentions of evil are rooted in anarchy against moral values. A culture slipping further into denial of scriptural values is a society destined for increased crime.
The very party that wants to limit capacity is the one turning hearts from morality by pushing every immoral principle they can get behind. They want your children to make their own decisions about sex-change without you knowing, they want abortion up to (and some past) the point of birth and they want the gay agenda pushed in every commercial, TV series and political office.
That is poisoning our culture and promoting evil intentions.