In recent weeks, I’ve had an increase in the number of communications sent to me by good people, with seemingly good intentions, asking me to back off some of my views. Even encouraging me to “sit out” upcoming presidential elections because there isn’t a strong seasoned Christian Presidential candidate.
I am not campaigning for anyone, but I will vote against the blitzkrieg of evil ensnaring our country. Evil has gone beyond something we see afar off; it is being mandated by legislation.
We see the proliferation of immorality most clearly in the homosexual realm. As repugnant as homosexuality itself is, we’ve moved way beyond that. We are now forced to discuss (and “accept”) it as an LGBTQIA+ topic.
Spelled out it means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (“Q” also meaning “Questioning”), Intersex and Asexual. Then they add the “+” to cover levels of immorality not perceived yet, though already including Two-spirit, Non-binary, Pansexual, Demisexual, Aromantic, Genderfluid and Agender
They are demanding we accept this in our culture, not also in schools and churches but prominently in schools and churches.
Martin Luther said, “The greatest wickedness is denying the Most High God.” What would he say about this culture that claims the filth advocated with LGBTQIA+ as accepted by God?
Some years ago, my wife and I went through the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. The museum accurately states, “a bystander is a witness to events, one who is present but not taking part in what is occurring.” The stories of local (neighboring bystanders) who did nothing to resist the atrocities of encroaching depravity are now more easily recognized as horrific.
We have all seen people unwilling to confront. Bystanders who refuse to confront injustice.
Revelations 21:8 says, “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur…”
Think About it
Conflict isn’t fun. But when you see injustice, call it. It might be a hard call, but it beats being the coward mentioned in Revelations 21:8.
You cannot stand for justice if you are unwilling to confront injustice.
When I see poison leaking into our culture I will work to close that leak. LGBTQIA+ is already set up like a drip IV directly into Christian America.
Amos 5:15 (NIV): Hate evil. Love good: maintain justice.