Think About it... SOS.24; A Destination of Significance

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Faith Based Security NetworkFaith Based Security Network
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I have participated in many security events. I have had the honor of sharing the platform with some of the best presenters in our space.

Some years back, I envisioned an annual summit where faith-based security professionals could come from across the nation to learn things directly applicable to safety / security service in their churches, synagogues or other faith-based organizations. 

A summit where every speaker had passionate, applicable concepts for faith-based security operations. I wanted many of the speakers I had got to know, to be there with me.

I envisioned an audience where only vetted security operators, faith-based leaders and first responders could hear more detailed information, shared freely due to the vetted nature of the audience.

Some successful event planners told me it would be professional suicide to have people “apply” to be admitted into an event. That the expenses of a nationwide summit, with high-level speakers, would require us to sell as many seats as possible. To have their application to the event be truly an application, pending the validity of their service, would cost too much in lost seats.

They were wrong. From July 25th through July 27th, the 6th annual Security Operations Summit (SOS.24) is coming to Highlands Ranch, CO (a south-side suburb of Denver). We expect over 500 vetted participants from 40 states or more, to gather in what has become an annual pilgrimage for many.

Speakers this year will include;

  • Dave Grossman (nationally recognized author and speaker)
  • John Giduck (one of the nation’s leading authorities on the continued risk of foreign terrorism)
  • John Riley (the best presenter I’ve ever heard on real de-escalation techniques)
  • Bruce Alpe (Security Director of Houston’s, Lakewood Church)

And MANY others. We are adding more every week and already have 18 solidified.


Think About it

A pilgrimage is an inspired practice consisting of a prolonged journey, often undertaken by plane, train or automobile, toward a specific destination of significance.

The FBSN first developed the SOS as a “destination of significance.” Every summit has been exactly that. The pilgrimage happened on its own and continues to happen as long as we focus on the significance.

Every year we hear back from attendees that the SOS is the one event they will budget for next year. We are honored to be trusted with that remarkable standard.

Here is the link to read more about, or register for SOS.24


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