The statement was ignored by most American news services.
The actual quote (by ISIS spokesman Abu Hudhayfah al-Ansari) was even worse than the selected portions for the title. Al-Ansari actually said, “…blow them up with explosives, burn them with incendiary bombs, shoot them with bullets, slaughter their necks with knives, and run them over with buses.”
That is just a sample of the venom spewed by al-Ansari in his weekly radio broadcast recently.
He has been calling for their month of Ramadam (roughly March 10th to April 9th this year) as a “month of Jihad” against the U.S., Europe and Israel. He specifically encouraged lone wolf killers to “slaughter Christians and Jews.”
While seemingly focused on Christians and Jews, their real issue is uncontrollable hate. They don’t want to just kill Christians and Jews. They want to kill anyone who can’t defend themselves. They are jackals consumed by hate. They will kill anyone. In his same speech he praised the jihad jackels who recently killed 143 concert attendees in Moscow. At a cemetery service in Kerman, Iran in January, ISIS set off a powerful bomb that killed many, then waited until Emergency services and rescuers were swarming the site to detonate a 2nd bomb and kill more. Over 100 Muslim citizens and emergency responders were killed in the explosions.
While not being foolish to ignore the increasing real threat of foreign terrorist attacks on American faith-based organizations, I remain so thankful for what Christ did for us that we celebrate during this time each year.
Think About it
Knowing full well he would betray him that very day, Jesus washed Judas’s feet earlier that day. What a contrast to the type of hatred spewed by all Islamic terrorists who claim to do all they do in the name of a spiritual model.
Love and hate are shown clearly in the difference between Christianity and any other belief. That is what makes church security different than any other security.
We may very well be required to defend our congregation against a terrorist attack. To ignore the signs would be foolish and dangerous.
Be prepared to defend the defenseless, but always stay mindful of who we are and Who we represent. It’s easy to celebrate each year, but we must live it each day.
Thank you, Jesus, for what You did for us!