My wife and I have just been through an intensive and exhaustive season (9 months to the day) of our life where we tried hard to help a young-lady addicted to drugs come out of it.
She wasn’t ready to get serious about recovery and it ended with us fearing for her life as she disappeared for three days in a drug-induced binge. During those scary days before we recovered her (with the help of law-enforcement and many others), I kept thinking of that moment we would discover her.
I thought of that moment of reaching out to take her hand in love.
And I thought about shaking my fist with my other hand to emphasize my displeasure of her actions. I wanted only the best for her, but I was so angry.
It never even came to mind in those moments of rescue, but it wasn’t because I hadn’t thought of it plenty before.
Think About it
God doesn’t have that problem of one hand expressing love with the other expressing displeasure.
We never respond out of anger at any guilty party. We might even need to use force, but not out of anger at their stupidity.