I was born just 12 years after WW II ended and 5 years after Korea. My dad and uncles were in WW II. Most of my friend’s dads had served. Vietnam was a current and common topic in our nation and in our home through all my youth. My brother was there and other friends and family. I was a high school sophomore when Saigon fell.
So, the backdrop of my youth was war. It was only personal because of the men older than me, that I looked up to so much, who had been there. It was never my personal experience. The appreciation for those who did serve however, shaped a significant portion of my world view.
I am like most Americans who never saw battle because others did that for us. We didn’t even experience peacetime service because others did that for us too.
On the internet there are some imaginary maps showing what the world would look like had the U.S. not been there to stand against tyranny. None of the various maps look alike and of course all are wrong. We won’t ever really know.
But one thing certain, there is no such thing as the United States in any of those maps.
WW I was no different than other wars, before or since, in the significant division of perspectives.
There were many, (like the socialist, H.G. Wells, who wrote the 1914 book , “The War to End All Wars” as a novel set in WW I), with shallow understandings of the need for defense. They found (and still find) only blame regarding any good action intended to stop evil action. Just because they spoke or wrote well, in influential ways, doesn’t mean they were (or are) right.
Wells was wrong.
The real problem is that there is a very real enemy with focused intentions of devouring anything and everything good. Pop culture wants us to believe there is no good or evil. Acknowledging it would mean admitting the epic battle between God and the devil – neither of whom the idealists want to recognize the existence of.
Think About it
It’s not cliché that we sincerely thank our veterans each year on the anniversary of the end of WW I (the “war to end all wars”).
To every veteran who has done their part to stand between me & evil; THANK YOU.