OSS Academy Administrator
David Salmon was awarded a Marksmanship Instructor Certificate by the U.S. Army at the National Matches. He was 16 years old at the time. During his military service, David earned the Excellence in Competition Award. He served as both a non-commissioned and commissioned officer in U.S. Military Intelligence, with combat tours in Viet Nam. His first police experience was as an MP, and he would go on to serve as a U.S. Marshal, and Provost Marshal under contract to the U.S. Navy. During his police career, he earned five gold NRA Distinguished Rifle & Pistol Awards. David has been a TCOLE Classroom and Firearms Instructor since 1977, and now serves as the OSS Academy Administrator. His advanced tactical training includes Blackwater, long-range rifle, jungle warfare, weapons of mass destruction, nuclear deployment, and riot control.