Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) ON THE USE OF FORCE

  • Other Session
  • the (Sanctuary)
  • June 22 2024 1:20 PM - 1:55 PM

KRS CHAPTER 503, Justifiable Use of Force

General Principles of Justification

503.010 Definitions

General rules that applies to all Justification of use of force laws

(1) "Deadly physical force" means force which is used with the purpose of causing death or serious physical injury or which the defendant knows to create a substantial risk of causing death or serious physical injury.

(3) "Imminent" means impending danger, and, in the context of domestic violence and abuse as defined by KRS 403.720, belief that danger is imminent can be inferred from a past pattern of repeated serious abuse.

(4) "Physical force" means force used upon or directed toward the body of another person and includes confinement.

Use of physical force in self-protection

Stand your ground KRS 503.055

Improper Use of Physical Force in Self-Protection

Protection of another

Protection of Property