The Christmas / New Year’s season is my favorite time of year as I’m sure it is for many. For me it’s because of the dual elements of appreciative reflection of the past and positive anticipation of the future.
If we lose either of those elements in our spirit it would signal trouble in our character.
The appreciative reflection is predominantly because it is this season (like Easter) in which we are reminded of the past that matters most. Regardless of what we may or may not have accomplished or encountered in the prior year, we know what is truly important and relevant.
Christ Himself is central to all we are or aspire to be.
While grounded in appreciative reflection of the eternal, I also consider the temporal.
Due to health issues (I had both knees replaced in September), 2024 was a year I fell behind on the farm. There’s now fences to mend, gates to fix, fallen trees to cut up and century old farm buildings that received no maintenance in 2024. The tractor needs a new starter, and the road needs graded.
However, it was the best year ever for the Faith Based Security Network, which has become my life’s mission. August 1st, 2024 marked the start of our 9th year of business. Due in part to the lack of physical activity in 2024, I focused more on the ministry. The FBSN experienced a year of fiscal and mission stability that sets us up for a successful future. The best part being how others stepped into action to confirm it’s bigger than, and increasingly independent of, me.
That brings me to the joy of anticipation. Each year of life has been better than the year before. There have been ups & downs, but the general momentum is unmistakably upward and positive.
This coming year should be a great year for the FBSN, with many events being scheduled and new programs being launched. I should get some fences, buildings and equipment repaired too.
I hope you too will see each year even better than the past one.
Think About it,
Your effectiveness as a security operator (or spouse, or parent, or friend) is due to your attitude and demeanor.
As you turn the page from 2024 to 2025, focus more on appreciative reflections of the recent and positive anticipation of the soon. Your job will be easier.