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Think About it -- Consequences of Security Decisions

To be right when opposing security could mean you saved the organization some percent of costs to contribute to equity. To be wrong could have devastating results, including loss of life.

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Think About it -- Simple Isn't Always Easy

While shooting is simple, it isn’t easy. In our Christian walk, we also find it simple but not necessarily easy.

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Think About it -- Don’t Brush off Issues With Youth

It isn’t wrong to take youth issues in your church seriously. 

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Stopping Active Shooters with Ed Monk

This week on the YouTube channel, we have part one of a discussion with Ed Monk about understanding and stopping the active shooter threat. Though it's a scary and dangerous situation, the solution is quite simple. It's also something that churches and faith-based schools need to have a plan for. If someone decided to attack your facility, do you know how your team would respond? ...

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Think About it -- Appointed to Watch

I have made you a watchman for the people.

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Think About it --- Watch Standing

Military rigidity is not right for ministries but there should be more emphasis on taking our posts 100% seriously.

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Think About it -- Do Your Share

But be ready, willing and able to protect when anger comes against the innocent in your care.

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Think About it -- To Will and To Do

The degree to which you are prepared to face and stop calamity at your ministry is directly related to how intentionally you prepare for it.

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FBI Houses of Worship Event

A security conference can give you many points applicable to your operations – if you can catch them.

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SOS.25 First Round Draft Picks of Speakers

The FBSN has just confirmed our “First Round Draft Choices" for SOS.25 speakers,

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