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Rise And Go

Jesus was overwhelmed briefly, then after praying, said, “… rise, let’s go.”

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I Did That For You

They hit so fast there were no skid marks from either vehicle.

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Security Operations Summit (SOS) 2023

There is no church and faith-based organization security seminar that comes close to the comprehensive focus of the annual FBSN Summit event.

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God Still Wins

July 4th, 1776 did not mark the end of the bloody and hard-fought battle for America’s freedom from British rule

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Normalcy Bias

I spoke with a man this week who is in the Cyber Security and the IT field. A few days ago, he took a walk on the other side of security. Hearing his dogs move around in the dark of the night, he realized he needed to get up and let them out. But he was so sleepy he laid still, hoping his wife would hear them and get up first. He found out later she had heard them too and was doing the same ...

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This week's TAI is submitted by Shanna Kohr, our oldest daughter. She expressed honor for the best man I've ever known (my own Dad -- Jack Chinn) on this Father's Day. The FBSN has a very simple tagline, Ready-Willing-Able, summarizing our threefold mission. My Grandpa served in WWII. His ship, the USS Princeton, was bombed and sunk in the battle of Leyte Gulf on October ...

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The Deadly Triangle

Trauma can be disturbing enough to cause one to remember life before, compared to life after — “it”. A deadly force incident in a church is painful enough to do that. We don’t expect to see blood, hear gunshots, smell smoke or feel the concussion of explosion in a house of worship. Our church is our sanctuary. When evil invades it, that day marks the separation o...

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TELL IT AGAIN There is a scene in the epic movie, Dances With Wolves, where John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) stops a buffalo as it is running down a frightened and helpless young Sioux boy. Dunbar fires the killing shot at the last moment and the boy’s life is saved. Back in camp that night, there is a lot to celebrate. The celebration lasts well into the night. Not only had they exper...

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Faithful defenders do all they can to be better prepared for the evil so prevalent and increasing across our nation. Training and intensive conferences are among the top things available for this purpose. Years ago, I envisioned an annual summit of vetted safety / security operators coming together from across the U.S. to establish meaningful relationships with each other, learn from experie...

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Recently we considered the absence of innocents being hurt by defenders during a defensive action. We analyzed 11 times however, that lives were taken or endangered due to recklessness of faith-based defenders. I stated all who made mistakes endangering others should face some consequences. I also do not believe every instance of mistakes should mean that person being forever disqualified...

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