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Think About it -- After God's Own Heart?

How far have we gone from respect for authority?

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SOS.25 First Round Draft Picks of Speakers

The FBSN has just confirmed our “First Round Draft Choices" for SOS.25 speakers,

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FBI Houses of Worship Event

A security conference can give you many points applicable to your operations – if you can catch them.

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Think About it -- To Will and To Do

The degree to which you are prepared to face and stop calamity at your ministry is directly related to how intentionally you prepare for it.

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Think About it -- Do Your Share

But be ready, willing and able to protect when anger comes against the innocent in your care.

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Think About it --- Watch Standing

Military rigidity is not right for ministries but there should be more emphasis on taking our posts 100% seriously.

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Think About it -- Appointed to Watch

I have made you a watchman for the people.

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Stopping Active Shooters with Ed Monk

This week on the YouTube channel, we have part one of a discussion with Ed Monk about understanding and stopping the active shooter threat. Though it's a scary and dangerous situation, the solution is quite simple. It's also something that churches and faith-based schools need to have a plan for. If someone decided to attack your facility, do you know how your team would respond? ...

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Think About it -- Don’t Brush off Issues With Youth

It isn’t wrong to take youth issues in your church seriously. 

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